Homeschooling looks like a real possibility this coming school year. If not full time certainly part-time.
More jobs are allowing folks to continue working from home. Do you do it from your bed or kitchen table?
Do you move stuff every day to make due? Maybe it's time to acknowledge that this is our new normal.
Do you have a dedicated space ready? We know you made due this spring but how about planning a better place for fall?
Do you have unfinished space in your home you can convert to a home office/homeschool area? Even an unused closet could have shelves put in at a level to set up a chrome book and supplies.
No extra closet? How about an empty wall in a room? You can buy or create a table with saw horses and a door blank to create a tabletop. Or buy legs and attach them to a slab.
Now if the rest of your room isn’t Zoom ready you can get a green screen for your chair and then pick a fun background. Pretend you're are at the beach or the deck of a spaceship. Have some fun with it.